賴高山 Lai Kao-Shan

光山行第一代 賴高山
生於台中市,被稱為台灣漆藝之父。師承日人山中公,於「臺中工藝專修學校」習得以展現臺灣意象的雕刻技法與漆藝的「蓬萊塗」。畢業後至「東京美術學校」(現日本東京藝術大學)進修,油畫師事 和田三造、高蒔繪師事 河面冬山。回台後開設漆工廠「光山行」,賴高山將傳統漆器剔紅技法予以改良,製作出千層堆漆飾品,因為花紋獨特且具寶石一般的明亮光澤,是為獨創之「漆石」,成功打開外銷日本漆飾品市場。不僅致力於漆藝創作,更積極推動臺灣中部的美術協會事務,與顏水龍、林之助、楊啟東、呂佛庭等前輩畫家共同創立「中部美術協會」,以及「東南美術會」等藝文團體。 個人創作受西洋畫派影響,作品多有幾何元素,構圖創新,技法嚴謹而視覺效果令人驚艷,即使到現在其作品仍然獨樹一格,引人入勝。
- - 1987年台中市優秀美術家文化獎
- - 1989年日本ICHIKAWA世界漆藝大展入獎。
- - 1998年獲臺灣省政府頒發民族工藝終身成就獎
Born in Taichung City, Mr. Lai Kao-shan is known as the "Father of Taiwanese Lacquer Art." He studied under Japanese master Yamanaka Tadasu and learned the carving techniques and the "Horai Lacquer" technique that showcases Taiwanese imagery at the Taichung Craftmentship School. After graduating, he continued his studies at the Tokyo Fine Arts School (now the Tokyo University of the Arts), where he learned oil painting under Sanzo Wada and traditional Japanese lacquer art under Koumo Touzan. Upon returning to Taiwan, he opened his own lacquer workshop, "Guangshan Xing," where he improved traditional lacquer carving techniques and created layered lacquer ornaments. With unique patterns and a gemstone-like glossy finish, his "Lacquer Stone" became an original creation that successfully opened the Japanese market for exported lacquerware. In addition to his lacquer art, Mr. Lai actively promoted the arts in central Taiwan, co-founding the Central Taiwan Art Association and the Southeastern Art Association with fellow artists such as Yen Shui-long, Lin Zhi-zu, Yang Qi-dong, and Lü Fo-ting. His personal works were influenced by Western painting styles, often featuring geometric elements, innovative compositions, and meticulous techniques that resulted in visually stunning effects. Even today, his works remain unique and captivating, continuing to draw admiration.
In 1939, photographed at Taichung Craftsmanship School, the person on the far left is Principal Yamanaka tadasu, and the person second from the right is Lai Kao-Shan.
In 1939, works of Horai lacquerware created by Lai Kao-Shan during his student years.